January 30, 2011

Faith Project Updates - How amazing!

In January 23, on the first Sunday we launched the faith project for our church building. We can't believe how it works. In order for the project to be worked out, we need to have 450,000 VND ($22) offered per week for the whole of the first year. Amazingly, 21 members committed to give and the amount was exact 450,000 VND ($22)! And they started giving for the first week. Praise God! This project will be worked out for AEC and ultimately for God's glory!
In January 30, God continued to challenge 7 others people to give for the project: 1,100,000 VND. ($58)! 2 of them are the couple of Duyen, a Vietnamese and Gary, an American who pledged $50 and we have 3 kids whose parents taught them to give 1 cent/week. So now we have 1,550,000 VND ($80), 3 times from our initial goal and prayer. How amazing! Wow! Wow!***
In February 6, one more person committed to give 5 cents/a week. So now we have 1.560.000 VND/week ($80.5).
In Feb 13, one more person commits to give $10 and we are happy that Gary and Duyen want to give $25/week instead of $50 so they won't drop in the middle of the project so now we have $600/week. Praise God!
...Tobe continued...

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