November 25, 2008

Some mixed feelings in a mommy-to-be's thoughts

People say that I am younger than my age and I am always thankful for that. Some thought in their first time meeting with me the reason is because I am not mindful of anything in life. However, if they know my story of 27 years living, they know it's not true. Apart from accepting that God who made me young, or at least younger than my age, I don't really have an answer for that. I just know one fact that I can sleep easily any where with any positions at any time. Can it be one of the reasons? It's perhaps so loose, isn't it? But I can say being young is a blessing!
I told my professor in IGSL that I am getting younger (I always find ways to be proud in front of this professor. He is a greatly beloved professor of our batch). And here is his response:
"Do not become too proud on how young you look. You already look like a teenager. A pregnant teenager does make some people wonder a little bit."

=) =) =) =) ha ha =) =) =) =)
I could not help myself from laughing as I read it. What a smart and humorous comment!
These days I used to walk to market on early mornings because it's said that it will help me in my delivery. But I don't look good as I walk, Thuan said so. My normal way of walking is not nice.. adready, how much more when I am now pregnant? =)
Good thing, all of these are not what God cares. He cares if I am walking with Him and taking my delight in Him. Many started asking me if I bought stuffs for the delievery and our baby.
- Not yet!
This afternoon, the Spirit prompted me to pray for God's provision and wisdom in this. I see my heart calm and quiet before Him.
Dear Lord,
I know You are here, listening and knowing all of my concerns. When "I don't know what to do, I just cast all my cares upon you." (I Phi 5:7). Amen!



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