May 15, 2010

Am I truthful to what I teach?

Though I just started "pastoring" without license or permission, just obeying to God's call, I have discovered that this can be the most difficult job in the world. However, it's so exciting to lead someone to Christ and witnessing how God grows them in Him. In that process I have learned to trust God with them that He will make them beautiful and honorable because He loves them and treasures them despite of their weaknesses, shortcomings, and their old life. And one of them confessed that she has fallen in love with my brother. She is still in process of growing and transforming, apparently not that good and godly... (you would all understand what I mean). She can be changed for the betterness by God I said to her many times, but now... for my brother? Do I still believe the same? Good question to ask. Not easy to answer. Am I truthful with what I teach her? It's not a question of doubt but of integrity and what...I can't explain clearly. But this is what I am learning. "God, you really want to train me to be a leader of integrity, faith, and truthfulness?" How interested is our God!

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May 12, 2010

A touching Mother's Day

It was a touching and inspiring moment when we together thought of our mothers' love, care, sacrifice, and dream for us. To many of our young new believers, this was their first time thinking of their mom in Mother's Day in a very special way. I personally thank God for 18 people attended our service, the biggest number up to now. God is the God of wisdom. He used this opportunity for us to manifest the beauty of Christianity regarding honoring parents. Christianity is known to Vietnamese as a religion forsaking parents or origin when we do not worship our dead ones. So Mother's Day has become a great opportunity for us to teach and demonstrate our love and respect to our parents. We all cried in tears as we sang "My loving Mom." Among our 17 new believers, 3 of them made known to their parents about their faith. We are praying that we all demonstrate life-transformation to lead them to Christ, too.

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