November 29, 2008

Wow, toys!

This is my first time receiving this many toys, especially bears like this in my life! They are all in our house. One lady came to Vietnam from the States and it seemed to me that my brother, Daniel brought the whole kindergarden to us. It is extremely kind of the one who brought these for us. Bless her heart. She said the children ministry in church had to be moved to another place so they asked if some one likes to have these toys and Daniel really loved to get all.

And it did take his courage and faith to ask someone who would fly that far to carry them all for him. Our one niece and three nephews will have their Christmas gifts soon this year. And for sure they like it.

I found interested about it. In this world, there are people who are willing to give and then others who care so much about their loved ones that take courage to ask, and others are available to help and to be a blessing for others. It takes something for someone to go extra miles in our daily and challenging life with our human self-centered and selfish nature.

Bless all of these with His richest blessings!


November 25, 2008

Some mixed feelings in a mommy-to-be's thoughts

People say that I am younger than my age and I am always thankful for that. Some thought in their first time meeting with me the reason is because I am not mindful of anything in life. However, if they know my story of 27 years living, they know it's not true. Apart from accepting that God who made me young, or at least younger than my age, I don't really have an answer for that. I just know one fact that I can sleep easily any where with any positions at any time. Can it be one of the reasons? It's perhaps so loose, isn't it? But I can say being young is a blessing!
I told my professor in IGSL that I am getting younger (I always find ways to be proud in front of this professor. He is a greatly beloved professor of our batch). And here is his response:
"Do not become too proud on how young you look. You already look like a teenager. A pregnant teenager does make some people wonder a little bit."

=) =) =) =) ha ha =) =) =) =)
I could not help myself from laughing as I read it. What a smart and humorous comment!
These days I used to walk to market on early mornings because it's said that it will help me in my delivery. But I don't look good as I walk, Thuan said so. My normal way of walking is not nice.. adready, how much more when I am now pregnant? =)
Good thing, all of these are not what God cares. He cares if I am walking with Him and taking my delight in Him. Many started asking me if I bought stuffs for the delievery and our baby.
- Not yet!
This afternoon, the Spirit prompted me to pray for God's provision and wisdom in this. I see my heart calm and quiet before Him.
Dear Lord,
I know You are here, listening and knowing all of my concerns. When "I don't know what to do, I just cast all my cares upon you." (I Phi 5:7). Amen!


November 24, 2008

Thanksgiving season

Dear Ministry and Prayer Partner,

Christmas is soon approaching... As it surely reminds all of us much about God’s exceedingly wonderful love for our lives, we pray that you will enjoy a season full of love, warmth, and joy from Him, our Immanuel.
One more year of life is going to close, we are so much thankful to God for His sustaining grace upon us. The year of 2008 has been a joyous, challenging, and also a faith-stretching year to both of us: graduating from school, leaving the Philippines, settling our ministry and family life in a new place, starting to build relationships, keeping our minds and hearts open to God’s directions, doing little things He entrusted... Looking back to all of these, we just can give Him our praises, thanksgivings, and express our deep appreciation and gratitude to you for how you have been used by God step by step to love and to encourage us, to embrace our vision, and to support our family and ministry prayerfully and financially. Thank you for journeying with us through ups and downs of this year by your committed prayers, listening heart, and lifting hand in time of need. May our Heavenly Father who sees and knows all known and unknown deeds and works of yours will bless you abundantly! As someone said “God does not give us task according to our strength but He gives us strength according to our task,” we have experienced it true in our ministry and family life in the past two months. Thuan has just started the teaching ministry with a class on Synoptic Gospels for New Staff Training(NST) of Campus Crusade for Christ (CCC). Although the class with only five members but God has used Thuan to revive His heart to them through Jesus’ ministry, and also to teach some very important truths about Jesus’ modeling life and His sacrificial death for mankind, which were not tackled by preachers and teachers in Vietnam. At the end of the class, the call to be a discipler like Jesus brought students’ hearts to God for a deeper commitment to live and do ministry ministry like Him. As the class went on, Thuan was always thankful to God because He used that class to minister to him in a special and personal way. We know God has blessed Thuan’s teaching through the students’ responses after the class.
Serving in music ministry was also an exciting experience to Thuan in church during these two months. With a strong belief that praise and worship will play an important role in our evangelistic band for our future vision, Thuan seeks to sing praises to God in every opportunity. He never lacks it even in his daily personal devotion with Him. And our God is a God who sees His children’s heart and desire; God gave Thuan opportunity to lead praise and worship in church Thanksgiving Anniversary service and made him to lead the church choir. The choir got started recently and inspired church members through its service and encouraged many either to join the choir or to be renewed in worship. We are looking forward to seeing how God will use the choir for His glory this Christmas season through many worship and evangelism programs.

With Esther, God has used this period to encourage her so much through her ministry involvement. It helps her to be “active and energetic” like before =) in a while with some ministry opportunities where she served as an interpreter. We actually did not think that we might serve God this way but as we mentioned, we did our best in all things that God entrusted. Through her role of interpretation, God helped missionaries whose hearts are for Vietnam, finished their trainings here effectively. Esther feels helpful and appreciated when she seeks to serve God and His people wholeheartedly through every single opportunity she has although she is now in her eighth month of pregnancy.
Through our service in interpretation, God also allowed us to meet His servants who extended their kindness and encouragement to us, taking their time to sit and listen to our heart desires, life struggles, and future plans. The conversations with them caused our hearts to be more humble and committed to pray more in order to seek God’s clear direction for our vision in finishing the Great Commission in Vietnam. We believe that God is opening His doors and gradually lead us to His will.

We also thank God for our families, from both sides, who are very supportive to us. Our two fathers came visiting us on November to see our place, ministry field, and encourage us in our walk and service for the Lord. The fact that our fathers sat in Thuan’s class and in conferences where Esther interpreted, encouraged us much. We praise Him because He has chosen us and make us and our house to be His servants (Joshua 24:15). All praises to our God!

With all have been shared, we thank you for all of your prayers, support, care, and encouragement. May God richly bless you!


November 14, 2008

Thuan's class on Synoptic Gospels for NST

You may remember that I once shared about Thuan's brother and his ministry in CCC. Receiving the new trainees this year for the future service, he asked if Thuan can teach a class for them. He knew Thuan was going to teach Synoptic Gospels so he asked Thuan to do it. Certainly, Thuan was grateful for the opportunity.
This time Thuan's father have come to visit us and he sat in that class of 4 solid days, from 11 to 14 of November. Being a Christian for most of his life time, our father, a nearly 60 year-old church worker was refreshed and somehow enlightened by the class. He took note carefully and shared with me the insights he learned during the class. He is such a teachable student of God's Word. He may not know how much Thuan was encouraged by the fact that he sat in his class with four other 24 year-old classmates.
Thuan appreciate more the opportunity when he went through the life of our Master Jesus again by studying for the class and conveying the spiritual truths to them. Because it was his first time teaching continually for 4 solid days so I saw him being tired physically but he was refreshed spiritually, too. He diligently did research and readings for students' questions which he was not clear about the answers. I thank God for his integrity and commitment. I pray that he will continually walk with God in teaching ministry teachably and humbly with integrity.
This class with 5 students will be a good step for Thuan's teaching this coming December in a 30 student class. Praise God!

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November 9, 2008

The Great Commission Conference

I thank God so much for giving me opportunity to attend this inspiring and life-changing conference, not just as an interpreter but also as a student.
I have learned so much from the passion of our two speakers, JAMES R. EBY - the Founder & President of Mission Catalyst International, and Ken Womack. They are brothers-in-law.
God used the conference to revive my heart for evangelism and also to bring me into a re-commitment of interceding for the lost and taking initiative to invite them to the church Gospel meetings.
As a response to the speaker's calling, I wrote down these ten names and intercede for them daily:
1. Chu Thanh
2. Co Be
(our landlord)
3. Anh Thu
4. Me Anh Thu
5. Di Anh Thu
6. Ngoai Anh Thu
(our neighbors)
7. My Van
8. Be Na
(my friends)
9. Khiem
(my brother's friend)
10. Be ban sua
(She sells yoga milk in the market where I buy things everyday)
Being called to be an evangelist, I have seen God gave me a fruitful discipleship ministry in the past but from the day I returned from the Philippines, I have not started my personal witnessing yet. I pray that God will listen to my prayers and allow me to win these people for Him.
The speaker also encouraged us if there is someone from my list receiving Christ, I then cross that name and add another one so that I always can intercede for 10 people in a day.
I am praying for these people daily and expecting God to do His part as I offer my life totally for the work He may use me to share the Gospel with them.

November 3, 2008

Family prayer time

Today we had our first family prayer time with the family of Thuan's brother. We have committed to set aside our first Monday of the month to meet together to fellowship, to study God's Word together, and to pray for one another. As Thuan's brother shared Luke 18:1-8, we were reminded to pray passionately and persistently and not to give up. The worship and prayer time were really inspiring and I was so much blessed.
Our brother and his wife have been serving with the Campus Crusade for Christ (CCC) amolst 10 years and they have found favor in God's eyes and their colleague's eyes. With two kids, they have put their trust in God completely, going extra miles to extend their help and service in any time and for any one in need.
Living in HCMC, Thuan's brother is not only a real brother to Thuan but also a great friend and partner in church.
Thank God!
We are looking forward to meeting again next month.

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