September 29, 2010

The first Spiritual Birthday in AEC

Sept 29, 2009, we celebrated God's greatness in saving the first convert into our church (for the testimony, visit this link: and this year, Sept 29, 2010, we celebrated Vy's spiritual birthday by God's faithfulness. Vy has gone through many persecutions and oppositions from her family. Till the point that his uncle tied her and hung her on the house pillar and fire the purify her because she left the family's worship to follow Christ. Under the rain, she ran out of the storehouse by the help of her cousin came to the bus station, catching the bus to attend the baptism of our church.
Her prayers are always for her family to be saved. She has a great passion for God and sensed the call to serve God in the future as a missionary.
Being good at accounting, she has been a great help for our church finances and all the detailed works. We enjoy having her in our cell group.

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September 19, 2010

AEC soccer team - Opening Match

No doubt, Vietnamese love soccer and AEC man really do. Starting with few people in AEC and then draws some not-yet-believing friends, they play 2 games a week. I think I never imagine how powerful and wonderful it is to play soccer but I feel it everyday Thuan goes out for the match. He is always nice with me to have the best mood as he leaves the home and comes back with excitements, feeling re-energized and satisfied. We are grateful to God that it was just a hobby from the beginning but now it becomes a ministry in which we see people coming to Christ.
Cheer team is ready!
"Hey, we love you man! Play well, ok?!" ;)
Picture for memory, the opening game
God's word on how to play soccer (really?!)
Anxiety of the cheer team and church members
Play with the Presbyterian team
And we won, actually!

"Father, allow us to be your light as we play and have fellowship with all that we will meet. Amen!"

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