November 21, 2010

Teacher's Day - Tri Ân

Teacher's Day is in November 20 every year. It's a chance to honor teachers who teach us in school to be good people of our family, community, and good citizen of our country. Today it goes far beyond that meaning. It's the day to honor all who impacted in our lives or to be an example for us in any ways. And to Christian it's even more beautiful. It's a chance to give the highest thanksgiving to God and appreciating pastors, teachers, and disciplers in church.

Token of appreciation from AEC to pastor and teacher, Thuan Phan.
Hey, pastor's wife has gift, too. Yeah! English teacher.
We took that chance to invite our contacts to come. It's also the first event that we taught our disciples how to invite contacts, to usher, to ask good question, to share the faith... All were done wonderfully and so blessedly. We all enjoyed from the beginning to the end and the 13 contacts, too. They gave good feed-backs and just as our goal, they are all "well-planted" for the Christmas Evangelistic Event.
That day, Thuan a good message on Jesus - being a great Teacher who lived out what He taught, sacrificing Himself to demonstrate His unconditional love (Ro 5:9; John 15:12, 13). Thank to God because Jesus was introduced in a sensitive and superb way.

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November 18, 2010

SVTL Soccer Cup (the fifth)

SVTL Soccer Cup is a soccer game that held every year for Christian students who interested and good at soccer. Isaac, AEC captain has been always excited about this since he joined almost every year with his former team. This year, he led AEC, a 3 month-old team, joining the league. We were all excited for them though we knew how far they would go among the 8 teams. Sport ministry won 3 souls to God in 3 months operating so it's fun playing soccer and winning others to Christ. We all supported them. The cheer team was more than ready with all the slogans, cheering "equipments"... and most of us showed up in the game. 7 others team even did not know who we are. They kept asking what our church name is. Since when we established? How many people? How many months the team worked? On and on. It was really fun and great to tell them about our story.
Then we played. We played our best but we (of course) could not get the best award. But we got the third place. Yehey! Actually it was already very encouraging to all of us.
The game at a glance
The pretty cheer Team ;)
Hey, these are AEC supermen!

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November 14, 2010

A New Believer Reading the Whole Bible in 2 weeks

We think you would be also amazed like us if you know that Thanh, our new believer, finished reading the whole Bible in two weeks. In fact, he is neither a good student in school nor an excellent son in the family. He just loved the Word and read it day and night whenever he had free time. He came to us several days during his reading with a lot of questions and we have approved that His knowledge about God’s Word is amazing! Therefore, we rewarded him a bicycle. God also granted this person a great wisdom to understand the Bible in a very special way. We were so overwhelmed by that awesome testimony. His Word is powerful!

Here is his testimony: “I prayed to receive Christ in August 1st but I just personally and really met Jesus this month when I read the Bible and found His love for me. I am amazed why God’s standard for Christian conduct is so different from the world. I also experience changes in my life. Before conversion, when things went wrong, I often got frustrated and discouraged but now because I digently read the Word and sing praises to Him I have become calm and difficulties seem nothing... Because of reading and mediating God’s Word, He helped me control my temper. I become more responsible with my responses and behaviors. Thien Thanh - Student

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November 12, 2010

Effect of Bible Emphasis Month

We thank God for many of you who walking alongside with us in prayers and support for AEC growth. We thank God for the progress of our church for the past two months by His grace and divine will. When Prayer is the emphasis of September to teach us to be prayerful believers, the Bible is the emphasis of October to help us grow in Him and to be the student of the Word. Let us encourage you with wonderful testimonies of how God’s Word touched and tranformed our AEC members. We believe that AEC was built on “the rock” of testimonies of faith in Jesus, Son of the living God and now AEC members are being built on “the rock” of His living Word.

“Although I just recieved Christ for a short time, my understanding of God’s Word is very little and sometimes incorrect but I reliaze that it’s so blessed for us to have God’s commandments. We will always have right directions for our lives. Life becomes easier: no worries in time of sickness, no discouragements in difficult times... It has been true in my recent experience. Therefore, please never let the Word far from our mouth (Joshua 1:8).” Luong Thao – Intern Student

“The first lesson that I have learned and surely will follow in the rerst of my life is “learn to love and to forgive.” I forgave my father who abondoned my mother and me. I could do it not because of my own strength or effort but because of the power of His Word. hank God!” Hannah Mai – Assisant Dentist

“If I just live by the ”bread” – eating 3 meals a day to satisfy my physical needs, to have a healthy and beautiful body, it cannot be called living, but just existing – existing a life without purposes and glories giving to God. But I know that I am truly living every day because I am “fed”by God’s Word everyday and I am taught by the Holy Spirit. Because of that, I am truly living my life for God, glorifying Him on this earth.”

Lydia Phuong – Student

As other men I had two problems: smoking and drinking that caused serious diaseases that even doctors requested me to stop. My family adviced me to give up because they had seen my health getting worse every day but I could not. After 3 weeks coming to church and then contacting with the Word, I don’t know why I stopped smoking and dringking. Now as I am freed from those bad and destructive habits, I thank God because He helped me. Now I even feel digusting when I see my friends drinking.” Anh Tien – Worker

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