October 17, 2010

AEC friend to be an AEC member

It is Quan (in red). I remember he first came to our church in April 25 when we were around 10 people. Since then he became a friend of our church. We had so many great times together. This is the picture he joined our baptism trip in July 17,18.

And he is a part of AEC soccer team. Still he was not willing to receive Christ into his heart.
Along the way of our church form and growth, he was always a part, being active even in prayer meeting. Some offers were rejected, we then just kept him in prayer and Oct 17 became his spiritual birthday when he opened his heart for Jesus Christ.

We all just can "wow" and thank God for His work in Quan's heart.

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October 16, 2010

Master Planning Trip

As a young church, we really believe that God is the Ultimate Author and Leader of this church. Therefore, we put all of our efforts to know what He wants us to do. We sat down together and wrote the felt needs of our community, society and nation and we came to the point of realization that the real need for Vietnam and the Vietnamese is to have a powerful and influential church which can transform life, change the nation.

To act on that accordingly, we were divided into sub-teams of 7 ministries: Prayer, Evangelism, Training, Cell group, Sunday Service, Pr & Sport, and Community Service. In the sub-team, we discussed needs, ultimate goal, ideas, milestones, hindrances, resources, objectives (short and long) in our assigned ministry. And then we put all together in a Master Planning Trip to Dalat.

Wow, it's so wonderful to get there, one of the most beautiful cities of Vietnam which the best weather. Majority of our team enjoyed Dalat for the first time. And we planned..

We thank God that as we had done the Master Planning. We have been confirmed so much of His special blueprint for our church in this appointed time for our nation and our people.


In front of the Master Planning

After that, we had a tour around Dalat and my team enjoyed so much. These are some pictures of great memory of a historical trip for AEC.

In the Valley of Love

A soccer game with Dalat student group
Visit Dalat churchVisit the last Vietnam King's Palace
Oct 15, 16/2010

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October 10, 2010

Duyen and Gary's Wedding

This is the second wedding that we organized and celebrated as a church. Duyen got married with Gary, a American Baptist believer in 2009 but back then she was not a believer yet. Being burdened for his wife's faith, Gary looked for a church that would introduce Christ for her. They came to know Tram Deborah, one of our teammates and we joyfully welcomed her into AEC family in June 24. This couple expressed their desire to be blessed by the church, so we celebrated with them in this celebration. It was also a good experience for the youth new believers to know what it means to be husband and wife in Christ.
The wedding song from AEC
Pastor spoke and charged them for their marriage.
Please pray for Duyen's parents who do not come to the saving faith yet.
Duyen's visa is in process. So Gary comes and goes several times a year.
We are honored to be a part of their marriage.

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